怀孕前三个月的情绪就像过山车。我在考试前感到不安,在看了一堆数据后感到紧张,尤其是当我看到数据后出现的箭头时。所有指标都正常,但孕酮水平较低。在等待医生的时候,他寻找“低孕酮”并找到了各种答案,但他不能确定:“低孕酮会导致先兆流产,胎儿停搏”“过低孕酮会保护胎儿”和“注射孕酮会保护胎儿”。 。我相信这些也是许多母亲在怀孕前三个月的疑虑。 孕酮水平会影响胎儿吗?黄体酮含量低时有必要保护胎儿吗?答案可能和你想的不一样!


  黄体酮,也称为孕酮,主要来自卵巢,是卵巢分泌的主要生物活性黄体酮。每日孕酮可以保护子宫内膜。 怀孕期间,黄体酮激素可以为胎儿的早期生长发育提供营养支持,并为婴儿创造一个舒适的“空间”。 黄体酮激素还可以为胎儿提供保护屏障,避免母体免疫反应排斥胚胎,抑制子宫收缩。


  孕妇收到报告后非常关心孕酮水平。 孕酮的正常水平是多少?怀孕的不同阶段有不同的孕酮值。 妊娠早期孕酮主要由黄体分泌。 胎盘在妊娠中期负责这项“工作”。 结合人绒毛膜促性腺激素的值可以更准确地判断孕酮。 孕妇可以参考以下价值用户:


  1 、.孕酮过低

  孕酮过低,这可能表明孕妇黄体功能不全。 黄体功能不全可能导致胚胎发育不良和人绒毛膜促性腺激素分泌不足,这可能导致流产。


  双胞胎的水平高助孕是什么意思 于单身者


  既然孕酮的作用如此重要,低孕酮会导致先兆流产吗?答案不是肯定的。低孕酮并不意味着先兆流产。流产的原因有很多,包括染色体异常、母体因素如免疫功能障碍、黄体功能不全、子宫缺陷等。 并非所有的流产都与低孕酮有关。


  因此,除了孕酮、绒毛膜促性腺激素和乙型肝炎水平,医生还会结合孕妇的症状。 If the doubling of human chorionic gonadotropin level is not good (doubling in about 48 hours), they will consider threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy, embryonic dysplasia and other adverse conditions.Having said so much, pregnant mothers can understand the user in this way: threatened abortion usually leads to low progesterone, but it is either low progesterone or threatened abortion.

  How to judge whether it is necessary to protect the fetus

  Since low progesterone is not necessarily threatened abortion, 南京试管供卵does low progesterone need to protect the fetus?If you know these 2 points, you will know the users:

  1 progesterone value-&HCG

  Because progesterone is secreted in a pulsed manner, and changes fluctuate greatly, individual differences will affect the final results, so the results of one examination cannot be concluded, and it needs to be judged in combination with the human chorionic gonadotropin value.

  Human chorionic gonadotropin is a kind of stimulation signal. When the embryo enters the uterus, the human chorionic gonadotropin grasps and touches the wall of the uterus. The signal is received by the ovary and progesterone will begin to be secreted. Therefore, human chorionic gonadotropin is more intuitive to reflect the embryo situation. The doctor will also suggest to review the two values in a few days and decide whether to protect the fetus according to the specific situation.

  2、。Progesterone is not a universal "fetal medicine"

  Data research shows that the abortion caused by low progesterone is less than 5%, and the development of the fetus is good or bad. Progesterone is not the only determining factor. The embryo originally has problems, and normal progesterone value may stop the development.Doctors will only prescribe the right medicine through repeated reexamination and comparison of multiple sets of values.The World Health Organization (WHO) comment on progesterone prevention of abortion clearly points out that progesterone treatment cannot prevent abortion in early to middle pregnancy.The United States, Japan and other countries have already removed progesterone from the drug instructions to prevent abortion.Doctors generally pay attention to progesterone levels in the following three situations

  1、。Test-tube baby

  In the process of promoting ovulation, some ovarian tissues may be damaged, resulting in insufficient luteal function.

  2、。 Polycystic ovary syndrome

  Irregular menstruation and luteal insufficiency

  3、。threatened abortion

  Symptoms of threatened abortion such as abdominal pain and hemorrhage

  Therefore, if there are no symptoms, there is no need to intervene in normal pregnancy by excessively protecting the fetus with progesterone.Seeing here, I believe all pregnant mothers know about progesterone.

  Is progesterone low enough to cause abortion and fetal arrest?It is very important to know these points before protecting the fetus.

  To sum up, pregnant mothers should not be too nervous. Don't look at the low progesterone level and think it is a sign of fetal arrest and miscarriage, causing them to have various nerve strips.The specific situation should be analyzed with multiple examination values. Embryo health will naturally grow up well, keep a happy mood, eat a balanced diet, have regular prenatal examination, 爱心助孕网站 follow doctor's advice, and do not put too much pressure on yourself.May all pregnant mothers be able to spend their pregnancy calmly and the baby will grow up healthily!